The Bat! Professional Edition 7.2 RePack (& Portable) by D!akov (2016) [ML/Rus]

Категория: Интернет / Дата: 21 июл 2016 / Просмотры: 2 218 / Размер: 31 MB
The Bat! Professional Edition 7.2 RePack (& Portable) by D!akov (2016) [ML/Rus]

Версия программы: 7.2
Официальный сайт: ritlabs
Язык интерфейса: Русский, Английский и другие
Лечение: не требуется (инсталлятор уже пролечен)

Системные требования:
Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32/64)

The Bat! – общепризнанная система обработки электронных сообщений, которая прекрасно совмещает в себе все качества, необходимые опытному пользователю. Интуитивный интерфейс позволяет пользователям The Bat! приступить к работе сразу после установки. Эффективный механизм фильтрации и сортировки помогает обрабатывать огромные потоки входящей почты, с которыми не справляются другие программы. Системные администраторы по достоинству оценят возможность установки в пакетном режиме, которая позволяет лично контролировать процесс инсталляции The Bat!. Все эти функции, наряду с полностью настраиваемыми инструментами автоматической обработки, избавляют пользователей от рутинной работы.
Основные возможности программы:
Безопасность личной информации
Защита от вирусов
Автоматическая обработка сообщений
Быстрые шаблоны
Списки рассылки
Уникальная функция парковки
Резервное копирование
Обновление и установка
Эффективное шифрование
Синхронизация почты
Совместимость с Microsoft Exchange
Национальные кодировки
Диспетчер писем
Адресная книга
Интерфейс на 12 языках
Модуль просмотра изображений
Формы запроса
Богатые возможности импорта из:
Google Contacts
Microsoft Outlook Express v4.xx
Microsoft Outlook Express v5.0
Microsoft Outlook Express v6.0
Netscape Communicator v4.xx
Netscape Mail v2.xx/3.xx
Eudora Lite/Pro
Pegasus Mail v2.xx или 3.xx
Импорт адресных книг из файлов:
Бизнес-карточка VCard
Текст, разделенный запятыми
Текст, разделенный табуляциями
Адресная книга The Bat!
Адресная книга Eudora
Файл-шаблон Pegasus
The Bat! Professional имеет:
Исполняемый модуль
Словари для проверки орфографии
Многоязычный интерфейс
Возможность аппаратной аутентификации на почтовых серверах
Шифрование почтовой базы
Биометрическая аутентификация
What's new in 7.2 since 7.1.18:
[+] A warning dialog is now displayed when a second copy of the program is running
[+] Email body in XHTML format is now displayed
[+] Option to "Save HTML with default font" (see "OptionsPreferencesViewer/EditorEditor Preferences")
[+] Content-Type: text/calendar is now associated with vCalendar
[+] If Internet Explorer 8 is available, the layout engine is calculating document pixels as 96 dpi
[+] A warning is displayed if images used in templates were moved or renamed
[.] The internal messages queue has been redesigned resulting in significant speed improvements when receiving a large number of small messages via very fast connection to a POP3 or EWS server, the user interface became much more responsive
[.] The creation time of a message is displayed in case a message’s receipt time is much earlier than its creation time
[.] X-Priority header line is only included into the new messages with low and high priority. For normal-priority messages, this header line is no longer used, thus the "X-Priority: 3 (Normal)" will not be specified from now on
[.] Faster mail retrieval in large MAPI accounts
[.] (0000817) Selection moves to the top of the list after deleting a contact in the address book
[.] EWS: reduced memory usage
[-] Example email address in the default address book has been changed from to
[-] (#0000823) Cannot pin the Mail Ticker on secondary monitor positioned vertically
[-] Not enough space for "Input OpenPGP key pass phrase" and "Please input the master password"
[-] The window when compacting a folder had no title
[-] (TID#61350) Out of memory or Access Violation error message when opening a corrupted folder file has been fixed
[-] Quick templates inserted in HTML mode were losing hyperlinks formatting
[-] Domain for punycode was case sensitive
[-] An extra line appeared while inserting HTML quick templates in the plain text editor
[-] Hyperlinks were not created in the HTML editor while inserting plain text quick templates with hyperlinks
[-] Extra blanks were applied to standard signature template
[-] Fixes in message body tags while generating HTML messages
[-] Font size of non-hypertext fragments of inserted plain text quick template is now the same as default settings
[-] The issue with the flickering black message editor window on Windows XP has been eliminated
[-] (0000791) Font size was not applied to hyperlinks in the templates signature
[-] Replies were losing multiple levels of quotes
[-] A workaround for bad implementations of the Authority Key Identifier decoding, which finally turned out to negatively affect proper implementations - some parent certificates couldn't be found, has been removed
[-] EWS: cannot send email with large attachments when using on-the-fly message base encryption
[-] EWS: messages could not be moved or deleted while using the on-the-fly message base encryption
[-] EWS: received messages had wrong creation date - Jan 1, 1980
[-] A part of Facebook notification messages was displayed two times
[-] (0000828) Access violation error when editing several contacts in the address book at once
[-] (0000827) "Select the Account" window appears behind the web-browser
[-] (0000836) Exceptions.log contains NULL bytes
[-] (0000833) Tags are not displayed on the header pane
[-] (0000665) Tags in Cyrillic turn into garbage and get multiplied
[-] An issue with extra double apostrophes in the names of senders/recipients has been eliminated
[-] When account password was empty, sometimes the password dialog stayed in the background and was invisible
[-] (0000842) In case an HTML template contained a table, it was impossible to place the cursor to the required field
[-] (0000843) An Access Violation error message which appeared while trying to edit an HTML template with a table has been fixed
[-] An Access Violation on address search termination in the address book has been fixed
[-] RSS feed Links containing Cyrillic characters were displayed incorrectly
[-] Images with Cyrillic in file names inserted into HTML do not disappear anymore
[-] (TID#70073) Invalid pointer operation error message caused by the spell checker locking the clipboard
[-] (TID#70000) No more freezes when scrolling large RSS documents on the Entire text tab
[-] (0000867) Files attached to messages get multiplied
[-] (TID#70148) Some RSS feeds displayed wrong creation date
[-] (0000102) When forwarding mail with external graphics links, the links are not carried into the email
[-] Fixed an access violation when moving between IMAP folders
[-] (0000844) Short strings in the "OptionsPreferences..." window in Russian
[-] (0000815) Truncated text in folder maintenance start window
[-] (0000807) Passphrase dialog has not enough size and can’t be resized
[-] (0000573) Reply to HTML mail has no quotes
[-] (0000544) The Bat! could not display transparent 8-Bit PNG files
[-] (0000545) 8bit PNG pictures (indexed color table, with transparency) always showed black background
[-] (0000464) Images are not displayed if The Bat! HTML Viewer is used
[-] (0000445) Image Viewer is very slow on large images, consumes lot of CPU
[-] (0000090) Some inline GIF files were truncated
[-] (0000767) Certain HTML messages were not rendered correctly when using the internal HTML viewer
[-] (0000881) Certain PNG (indexed palette) pictures were displayed black
[-] (0000317) HTML Links were not clickable
[-] (0000525) Hyperlinks in the HTML Editor opened wrong web-pages
[-] (0000674) Formatting of the quick templates was lost if inserted in HTML messages
[-] (0000764) While forwarding multiple messages the respective Forward-templates were not used
[-] (0000796) Images are compressed horizontally when replying or forwarding the email
[-] (0000730) It's not possible to save changes in the "Insert Hyperlink" window
[-] Some fixes of the Unicode password handling in the GUI
Тип: установка | распаковка.
Языки: ML.
Вырезано: файл справки.
Дополнительно: автоматический выбор разрядности ОС.
Активация: проведено.
Ключи командной строки:
• Тихая установка обычной версии: /S /I
• Распаковка портативной версии: /S /P
• Также возможен выбор каталога для установки: После всех ключей необходимо добавить /D=%путь% Пример: файл_установки.exe /S /I /D=C: The Bat!
Примечание!!! По завершении установки будет предложено изменить домашнюю страницу браузера. Не забудьте снять галочку.

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